One of the SITCOM training computer prototypes
 SITCOM 85 Training Computer

Hi! My name is San and I have a site containing all manner of interesting topics, including the SB Assembler - which has overlays for many different processors and many new features. You are very welcome to download it for FREE at:


And my name is Izabella - known as the Martian-lady to some of my close friends. I too have a site with lots of different Micro. based things on it. You can find it at:


Some time ago we �compared notes� and decided to join forces in order to produce a project that is based around all the features which visitors to our sites have been asking for; thus the SITCOM was born.

  San & Izabella's Training Computer
San & Izabella�s Training COMputer
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  Main features of SITCOM:
  The project must be easy to build using readily available components.   In its simplest form, the project has an 8085 micro, a RAM, a boot ROM, an 8255 PIO and five small 74 series chips.
  The project must perform multiple functions as a useful training tool.   Users have a total of 24 programmable I/O lines, 2 optional displays and a 100/120Hz ref. to interface with all manner of devices.
  People are always looking for an easy and convenient way to program.   Using the excellent SB-Assembler, code is written on a PC then downloaded into the SITCOM RAM via a simple one-way serial link. No need to keep programming EEPROMs! AND when a working program is completed, the code can even be programmed straight into an EPROM without changes for a stand-alone project!
  It would be nice if sample programs were available to run on the project.   This site already has numerous examples for users to download, try and alter if they wish. Further examples will be added as they are written or submitted.
  What about alternative hardware experiments?   The SITCOM hardware add-on library will eventually cover many different experiments and interfaces.
  But what about support if things don't seem to be working?   Not a problem! Email either of us and we�ll be pleased to try and help you get it going.
  We are going to program SITCOM in assembly language  

SITCOM will therefore be useful for anyone wishing to learn about:

  Please use the link buttons to the left to go to the topic of your choice.
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  Made in the UK