One of the SITCOM training computer prototypes
 SITCOM 85 Training Computer
  Yet another plug for San's SB Assembler The excellent SB Assembler can be downloaded free of charge, along with a full user manual from:
  A basic 8085 instruction set listing is next to get you started and may be downloaded from any of the following links. Click on the one that you will find most appropriate for the word processor you use:
  8085 instruction set TEXT FILE In simple TEXT FILE format that can be read by almost all applications.
  8085 instruction set in LOTUS WORD-PRO format In Lotus Word-Pro format (note that this file is Zipped).
  8085 instruction set in WORD 97 format. Wordperfect 8 will open this too. In Word 97 format (can be read by Word Perfect 8) Zipped.
  The 8085 and 8255 Data sheets in PDF format. VERY useful for learning more about the 8085 processor, its architecture, usage notes and other essential information for anyone planning an interface to use their Sitcom to the full!
  Requires the free Adobe Acrobat Reader 8085 Microprocessor in PDF format.
  Requires the free Adobe Acrobat Reader 8255 Programmable Peripheral Interface in PDF format.
  PDF Download TIP :  Most browsers are configured to open a PDF document online in a browser window, instead of downloading it to be viewed offline. Simply click on the the PDF image with your right mouse key, and select the "save target as" option to download the file instead of opening it.
  The all-important SITCOM BOOT PROM listing can be downloaded below. The Zip file contains both the BINARY code listing, plus an ASM file to run straight from the SB-Assembler.
  Sitcom BOOT PROM listing and ASM files. Zipped SITCOM boot PROM files (Zipped). The Binary file should go in here.
  And finally you find the most important Sitcom files down here. These are the preliminary diagrams of the computer, the glue logic, the power supply and the optional 100Hz/120Hz generator.
Please note that these diagrams are tried and tested, preliminary only means that the final versions will be drawn in a CAD program and not with a pencil.
  Sitcom main computer diagram. The Sitcom main computer diagram. Requires the Glue logic circuitry.
  Glue logic and power supply diagram. The required glue logic diagram and the optional power supply diagram. You may skip the entire power supply if you decide to power Sitcom by an external 5V PSU.
If you decide to build this power supply you may benefit from an accurate 100Hz/120Hz source to run accurate time keeping software like a clock or stopwatch.
  Alternative 100Hz/120Hz reference source. This optional 100Hz/120Hz reference source is only required if you decide to power Sitcom by a standard external PSU and want to participate in the time keeping projects. Please note that the accuracy of time keeping software depends on the accuracy of the crystal frequency of 6.000MHz when using this alternative reference source.
  Sitcom main board wiring list. Sitcom wiring list in Microsoft Excel format.
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  Made in the UK